Why Choose Starz Gymnastics?

We are a USAG member gym with a large preschool program, recreational gymnastics program, pre-team and XCEL team programs. Your child will use state of the art gymnastics equipment to achieve fitness and gymnastics skills while having a healthy dose of fun! Not only will your child learn various skills, but they will gain strength and confidence as they follow our exciting curriculum to success. Our experienced staff is USA Gymnastics and safety certified and will encourage your child to progress at their own pace in a safe and nurturing environment. We welcome gymnasts of all ages and levels to come join our galaxy of Starz!


100% Quality | 12 Professional Instructors | 40 Years Experience | 50 Classes | 300 Gymnasts

Read more about what we are doing to keep our students safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic:


Flexibility is a primary factor in gymnastics. Increasing flexibility can also be an effective aid to the reduction of injury, preventing people from forcing a limb to an injurious range of motion. By learning movements and combining them in a routine, the gymnast can attain greater flexibility and greater control of the body.

Strong and healthy bones

Participation in weight-bearing activities — including gymnastics — can develop strong, healthy bones, which is important to develop at a young age. As we age, we inevitably experience a decrease in bone mass every year. Building strong, healthy bones at a young age can help reduce the risks of developing osteoporosis later on in life.

Disease Prevention

Participation in gymnastics can help maintain a healthy body, which is key to preventing numerous health conditions such as asthma, cancer, obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Being involved in gymnastics helps encourage a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity and eating a well-balanced diet

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Increased Self Esteem

A study conducted by researchers at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School have indicated that children who participate in physical activity like gymnastics are likely to have better self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Increased Cognitive Functioning

Participation in gymnastics does not only offer physical gains; it is beneficial for improving concentration and mental focus – an important aspect of anyone’s life. Gymnastics allows children the chance to think for themselves, to stimulate their imaginations and to solve problems safely.

Increased Social Skills

At all ages, gymnastics provides an opportunity to develop social skills. Younger children learn how to stand in line, look, listen, be quiet when others are talking, work and think independently, and how to be respectful of others. The older kids learn how to set a good example for the people who look up to them and become role models at a young age.